COSTAMIX 200 is a SNF based, high ranged water reducer, specially formulated to improve workability, durability and also reduces permeability, CostarMix 200 improves concrete plasticity and hardening. Concrete casted with Costamix 200 required less cement for its mix designs thus increasing it strength gain. Batching water is also reduced without loss of workability.

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COSTAMIX 200 is a SNF based, high ranged water reducer, specially formulated to improve workability, durability and also reduces permeability, CostarMix 200 improves concrete plasticity and hardening. Concrete casted with Costamix 200 required less cement for its mix designs thus increasing it strength gain. Batching water is also reduced without loss of workability.


  • Costamix 200 is used to produce various ranges of concrete such as ready-mix, pumped concrete etc.
  • Used to produce workable concrete with lower total water content and wherever high-quality concrete is required.
  • Costamix 200 is also used for hot weather concreting
  • Costamix 200 is used where delayed setting is required.


  • Reduced dimensions of long term shrinkage and creep. Also minimizes risk of segregation and bleeding
  • Improved workability and pumping properties
  • Chloride-free and suitable for pre-stressing
  • Increased compressive and flexural strength of the concrete.
  • Protection of reinforcement steel against detrimental water-borne attack.
  • Reduces concrete porosity.
  • Compatible with all types of Portland cement including sulfate resisting cement (SRC).